If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:7-10
The truth is that God never leaves us or forsakes us. God is the Reality. Jesus Christ said, "resist not evil," for Jesus knew that God is the reality. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. "And we know that God causes everything to work for good for those who are called to His purposes."
I love the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, lied about, and unjustly held in prison. Thirteen years of his young life gone. His response when his brothers finally showed up was one of total love. "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20
Learning to trust God completely is what surrender is all about - trusting God no matter what appearances look like. Learning to "stand still" seems to be a difficult undertaking. "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." 2 Chronicles 20:17 Jesus said, "be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33. We can learn to overcome the world by remembering who we are in God. The Kingdom of God is within.
Florence Scovel Shinn said, "All disease, all unhappiness, come from the violation of the law of love. Man's boomerangs of hate, resentment and criticism, come back laden with sickness and sorrow. Love seems almost a lost art, but the man with the knowledge of spiritual law knows it must be regained, for without love he has "become as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals." 1 Corinthians 13:1
Florence Scovel Shinn is my favorite metaphysical author. You can read the books of Florence Scovel Shinn online or listen to "The Game of Life and How to Play It" free of charge. Please make a donation to the organizations after you read and/or listen and if you find the book(s) or audio(s) useful.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
What On Earth Are We Here For?
What on earth are we here for? I began asking myself that question as soon as I was old enough to ask questions. As I got into my teen years I began asking other people that question and some folks were not so kind in their responses to me. But that's okay. They don't understand.
I'm certainly no expert on the subject, but the best thing I've come up with is that we are experiencing experience and we're all part of One God. We emanated from God, Infinite Intelligence, Higher Power, Allah. We live because God put breath in each of us and He will take it away. Each of us is a drop of water in the Infinite Sea of the Infinite One. We will go back into Infinite Intelligence when we completely remember Who We Are. In the meantime we experience the life extravaganza we imagine, good or bad. My choice is to imagine blessings, joy, love and lots of good things for my life. We all have free will and we can believe whatever we want. As ye believe, so shall it be done unto you.
It seems that God hid the truth in plain sight and gave us free will. God says to test Him out. "Prove me herewith saith the Lord of Hosts if I shall not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing there shall not be room enough to receive it." God has left the door wide open and He has given us free will to decide for ourselves if we want to remember Him or not. He doesn't force Himself on us. All we have to do is give it a try.
The other thing that happens is cause and effect, or karma. What goes around, comes around. What we have done to others will be done to us, so to speak. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." So do be careful what you say and do because it will surely come back to you. I do believe though that we can get off the wheel of karma, with complete surrender to God. Surrender in simple, but it's not easy.
Forgiveness is a huge part of complete surrender. Forgiveness is a decision and it begins to take hold little by little. You begin to notice yourself changing, thinking and behaving differently. Not because you have to, but because you are remembering who you are in God. I believe that it's all part of experiencing experience. Each of us are connected to every other person because we all emanated from God. Each of us affects each other. We are all part of One God.
Of course, most people aren't anywhere near feeling One with everyone else or God. But that's okay. All I'm here to do is present the thought. And now that you've read this, it has at been presented to you. Whether you agree, or give it a second thought is not up to me. You have free will. You can simply go on experiencing your experience.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
I'm certainly no expert on the subject, but the best thing I've come up with is that we are experiencing experience and we're all part of One God. We emanated from God, Infinite Intelligence, Higher Power, Allah. We live because God put breath in each of us and He will take it away. Each of us is a drop of water in the Infinite Sea of the Infinite One. We will go back into Infinite Intelligence when we completely remember Who We Are. In the meantime we experience the life extravaganza we imagine, good or bad. My choice is to imagine blessings, joy, love and lots of good things for my life. We all have free will and we can believe whatever we want. As ye believe, so shall it be done unto you.
It seems that God hid the truth in plain sight and gave us free will. God says to test Him out. "Prove me herewith saith the Lord of Hosts if I shall not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing there shall not be room enough to receive it." God has left the door wide open and He has given us free will to decide for ourselves if we want to remember Him or not. He doesn't force Himself on us. All we have to do is give it a try.
The other thing that happens is cause and effect, or karma. What goes around, comes around. What we have done to others will be done to us, so to speak. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." So do be careful what you say and do because it will surely come back to you. I do believe though that we can get off the wheel of karma, with complete surrender to God. Surrender in simple, but it's not easy.
Forgiveness is a huge part of complete surrender. Forgiveness is a decision and it begins to take hold little by little. You begin to notice yourself changing, thinking and behaving differently. Not because you have to, but because you are remembering who you are in God. I believe that it's all part of experiencing experience. Each of us are connected to every other person because we all emanated from God. Each of us affects each other. We are all part of One God.
Of course, most people aren't anywhere near feeling One with everyone else or God. But that's okay. All I'm here to do is present the thought. And now that you've read this, it has at been presented to you. Whether you agree, or give it a second thought is not up to me. You have free will. You can simply go on experiencing your experience.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
When you challenge old thoughts with new thoughts, ego fights back. May be you've heard the saying that often things appear to get worse before they get better. This means that a part of the process of improvement is a process that seems like things are getting worse. However, what appears to be everything going wrong is chemicalization. Chemicalization is a process where the new thoughts are replacing our old worn out thoughts, but the old is tenaciously hanging on. Things may seem to be going wrong, but hang on to your faith.
Emmet Fox describes the healing process of chemicalization:
Does chemicalization sound like a negative process to you? Yes it's an uncomfortable experience, but it is worth going through it. Chemicalization is a sign that good things are taking place. Something higher and better can't come and won't come if the old is still in place. Jesus said new wine can't go into old wine skins.
God's love is working in chemicalization. Know that it is good. A healing is taking place in your world and meet chemicalization in a non-resistant way. Soon brighter conditions will appear.
Chemicalization is happening in the world too. We are moving into the age of light and spiritual transformation is happening on a grand scale. The world at large is undergoing chemicalization and as the world goes though this chemicalization process it may appear as though everything is going wrong.
Things may appear to get worse in the world. Part of the process of improvement is a process where it seems like things are getting worse. However, what seems to be everything going wrong is chemicalization. In our personal life when we change our thoughts we may experience chemicalization and chemicalization may happen in the world too. New thoughts are replacing the old thoughts in the world, but the old thoughts in the world are tenaciously hanging on. For a while it may appear as if everything is going wrong, but hang on to your faith.
Consider an actual chemical process where two chemicals are mixed together and the mixture bubbles up. We must learn how to look past what is happening at the moment and see what will happen after the chemical process has settled down and is complete.
God can help us and will help us and others get through the process of chemicalization. Depending on your level of belief and how you feel most comfortable praying, ask for God's help. I pray and ask for His help all the time, every day, as often as I am able to. I affirm love, good-will, blessings, and appreciation for all the help God gives me. God will not force His help on you, you must ask. We all have free will. If you want God's help and are willing to allow God to help you, ask for it. But remember this, you mustn't limit God by telling Him how He has to help you. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Humble yourself and just ask Him for His help and then let Him do His thing. Psalm 78:41
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1. Let us not grow weary in our faith.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, Looking into Infinity and Yin Yoga: Surrender and Receptivity of Body, Mind and Spirit. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie Harmer
© Copyright 2016 - Terrie Harmer. http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Emmet Fox describes the healing process of chemicalization:
"It seems as though everything begins to go wrong at once. This may be disconcerting, but it is really a good sign. Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundation. Hold on steadily, and let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire."
Does chemicalization sound like a negative process to you? Yes it's an uncomfortable experience, but it is worth going through it. Chemicalization is a sign that good things are taking place. Something higher and better can't come and won't come if the old is still in place. Jesus said new wine can't go into old wine skins.
God's love is working in chemicalization. Know that it is good. A healing is taking place in your world and meet chemicalization in a non-resistant way. Soon brighter conditions will appear.
Chemicalization is happening in the world too. We are moving into the age of light and spiritual transformation is happening on a grand scale. The world at large is undergoing chemicalization and as the world goes though this chemicalization process it may appear as though everything is going wrong.
Things may appear to get worse in the world. Part of the process of improvement is a process where it seems like things are getting worse. However, what seems to be everything going wrong is chemicalization. In our personal life when we change our thoughts we may experience chemicalization and chemicalization may happen in the world too. New thoughts are replacing the old thoughts in the world, but the old thoughts in the world are tenaciously hanging on. For a while it may appear as if everything is going wrong, but hang on to your faith.
Consider an actual chemical process where two chemicals are mixed together and the mixture bubbles up. We must learn how to look past what is happening at the moment and see what will happen after the chemical process has settled down and is complete.
God can help us and will help us and others get through the process of chemicalization. Depending on your level of belief and how you feel most comfortable praying, ask for God's help. I pray and ask for His help all the time, every day, as often as I am able to. I affirm love, good-will, blessings, and appreciation for all the help God gives me. God will not force His help on you, you must ask. We all have free will. If you want God's help and are willing to allow God to help you, ask for it. But remember this, you mustn't limit God by telling Him how He has to help you. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Humble yourself and just ask Him for His help and then let Him do His thing. Psalm 78:41
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1. Let us not grow weary in our faith.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, Looking into Infinity and Yin Yoga: Surrender and Receptivity of Body, Mind and Spirit. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie Harmer
© Copyright 2016 - Terrie Harmer. http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Monday, September 2, 2013
Settle Yourself in Solitude
"Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon Him in yourself" Teresa of Avila
I have been a seeker always. I have spent my life searching, reading, studying, asking questions, thinking, and doing any activity that might possibly quench my thirst for God. I heard many times that It can't be found by seeking, but only seekers find It. It seemed like a frustrating riddle. Seeking became my obsession. Was I seeking God, Infinite Intelligence, my Higher Power or was I attached to seeking?
The Kingdom of God is within. Luke 17:21 It's already there. We didn't put It there. It's a gift from God. It's our choice to remember It, or not. We have the free will choice. It will not be forced upon us. We can be still and remember the Kingdom of God within. Psalm 46:10.
"Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon Him in yourself." Seek first the Kingdom of God. People will say "it is over here" or "it is over there" and as a seeker you run over here and then over there and look over here and then look over there. But we don't need to because we can settle into silence every day for a little while and remember that the Kingdom of God is within. We must each do the work to remember and discover the Secret Place of the Most High God within ourselves.
In quietness and confidence is my strength. Isaiah 30:15. We all have a free will choice to say yes and remember the Kingdom of God within us. Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. We don't need to know everything. We just need to know enough to settle ourselves in solitude and wait for the Lord.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
I have been a seeker always. I have spent my life searching, reading, studying, asking questions, thinking, and doing any activity that might possibly quench my thirst for God. I heard many times that It can't be found by seeking, but only seekers find It. It seemed like a frustrating riddle. Seeking became my obsession. Was I seeking God, Infinite Intelligence, my Higher Power or was I attached to seeking?
The Kingdom of God is within. Luke 17:21 It's already there. We didn't put It there. It's a gift from God. It's our choice to remember It, or not. We have the free will choice. It will not be forced upon us. We can be still and remember the Kingdom of God within. Psalm 46:10.
"Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon Him in yourself." Seek first the Kingdom of God. People will say "it is over here" or "it is over there" and as a seeker you run over here and then over there and look over here and then look over there. But we don't need to because we can settle into silence every day for a little while and remember that the Kingdom of God is within. We must each do the work to remember and discover the Secret Place of the Most High God within ourselves.
In quietness and confidence is my strength. Isaiah 30:15. We all have a free will choice to say yes and remember the Kingdom of God within us. Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. We don't need to know everything. We just need to know enough to settle ourselves in solitude and wait for the Lord.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Getting Back to the God Zone
What is the God Zone? I believe it is our natural state. I believe that we came from God/Infinite Intelligence/Christ Consciousness and that we have forgotten who we are. I also believe that we can get back into agreement with God. The key is to let go of the outside world and go deeply into the God Zone, as Christ did. Why would we want to? Is it even possible?
If we believe Genesis 1:26-27 which says, "God created man in His Own image" it is easy to believe it is possible. I believe it. I believe we are all created in God's image, like drops of water in the Infinite Ocean of God. However, most of humanity has chosen to forget. I want to remember. To remember I must stay present moment by moment.
Have you experienced instances that felt like you were in the God Zone? May be you were listening to lovely music and completely relaxed and all of a sudden the answer to some issue you had been praying about popped into your head seemingly from nowhere. Or maybe you were out riding a bike enjoying the gentle breeze as it quietly embraced your body and caressed your hair and enjoying the scenery, when an idea seemingly from nowhere came upon you. Another time perhaps silently praying alone or meditating with friends, relaxed and happy, perhaps the answer to some pressing situation in your life just popped into your head. You were in the God Zone. "Better one day in Your Courts then a thousand elsewhere." Psalm 84:10
We can choose to call on God our Higher Power any time we want to. We have free will. There is only One God, One Creator of the Universe. There is only One Higher Power and we all are part of that power. Jesus said, "I and my Father are One." John 10:30. With God all things are possible. You make the choice. You have the free will choice to believe or not to believe.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
If we believe Genesis 1:26-27 which says, "God created man in His Own image" it is easy to believe it is possible. I believe it. I believe we are all created in God's image, like drops of water in the Infinite Ocean of God. However, most of humanity has chosen to forget. I want to remember. To remember I must stay present moment by moment.
Have you experienced instances that felt like you were in the God Zone? May be you were listening to lovely music and completely relaxed and all of a sudden the answer to some issue you had been praying about popped into your head seemingly from nowhere. Or maybe you were out riding a bike enjoying the gentle breeze as it quietly embraced your body and caressed your hair and enjoying the scenery, when an idea seemingly from nowhere came upon you. Another time perhaps silently praying alone or meditating with friends, relaxed and happy, perhaps the answer to some pressing situation in your life just popped into your head. You were in the God Zone. "Better one day in Your Courts then a thousand elsewhere." Psalm 84:10
We can choose to call on God our Higher Power any time we want to. We have free will. There is only One God, One Creator of the Universe. There is only One Higher Power and we all are part of that power. Jesus said, "I and my Father are One." John 10:30. With God all things are possible. You make the choice. You have the free will choice to believe or not to believe.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Saturday, August 31, 2013
I Believe in Angels
I have had angels keep me out of harms
way many times in my life. One time I drove a motor scooter into a concrete wall going high speed
and didn't get a scratch. I was physically lifted off the scooter and
was gently placed on the ground. The motor scooter was a mess.
Another time after water skiing I was standing on the back of the boat and the toe rope was caught by another a passing boat. It wrapped around my legs, flipped me over and I went way down in the water. I remember looking up through the water, seeing the boat so far up, and then feeling someone take my hand, pull me to the surface and guide me safely past the outboard motor. It all happened so quickly. The huge black and blue marks the toe rope left on my legs were a reminder.
I was almost car jacked one time. I was in Philadelphia alone one night and I pulled up to a traffic light where four young men started to surround my car. At that moment a commanding voice said, "put your car in gear and go through the red-light." And I did just that.
God has sent me angels throughout my life and I have been protected. I don't care whether you believe in angels or not. It only matters for me that I believe in them and ask for their help. According to your belief will it be done unto you. Matthew 9:29. It's everyone's individual choice whether to ask for help or not - it's called free will. I ask for help from God. I ask God to send angels to help me. Ask and it shall be given you. I have free will. We all have free will. God will not intrude if we don't ask for help. My choice is to ask for help. I want and need all the help I can get.
I have had angels visit me. They are lovely and beautiful. The Bible is full of stories of angels and most religions have stories of angels. A CBS New Poll says that nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels.
I feel God's beautiful Grace shining upon me. I love it that angels are all around me, all I need do is ask for help. Thank you Lord for the wonderful blessings we have in the form of angels.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie
Check out my blog entry called The Kingdom Within.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Another time after water skiing I was standing on the back of the boat and the toe rope was caught by another a passing boat. It wrapped around my legs, flipped me over and I went way down in the water. I remember looking up through the water, seeing the boat so far up, and then feeling someone take my hand, pull me to the surface and guide me safely past the outboard motor. It all happened so quickly. The huge black and blue marks the toe rope left on my legs were a reminder.
I was almost car jacked one time. I was in Philadelphia alone one night and I pulled up to a traffic light where four young men started to surround my car. At that moment a commanding voice said, "put your car in gear and go through the red-light." And I did just that.
God has sent me angels throughout my life and I have been protected. I don't care whether you believe in angels or not. It only matters for me that I believe in them and ask for their help. According to your belief will it be done unto you. Matthew 9:29. It's everyone's individual choice whether to ask for help or not - it's called free will. I ask for help from God. I ask God to send angels to help me. Ask and it shall be given you. I have free will. We all have free will. God will not intrude if we don't ask for help. My choice is to ask for help. I want and need all the help I can get.
I have had angels visit me. They are lovely and beautiful. The Bible is full of stories of angels and most religions have stories of angels. A CBS New Poll says that nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels.
I feel God's beautiful Grace shining upon me. I love it that angels are all around me, all I need do is ask for help. Thank you Lord for the wonderful blessings we have in the form of angels.
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie
Check out my blog entry called The Kingdom Within.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Who Am I?
I sit quietly and wait, breathing in, breathing out, allowing my awareness to watch the breath. I wait with quiet observance. I watch. I breathe. I sit. I wait. What is this awareness in me that is watching? Who is watching and observing? Who am I?
I am not my thoughts. I am aware of my thoughts. My thoughts are not me. I am observing my thoughts. I am not my body. I am aware of my body. I am observing my body. My body is not me. I am not my feelings. I am aware of my feelings. I am observing my feelings. My feelings are not me. What is this consciousness that has awareness of my thoughts, my body, my feelings? Who is this consciousness that has this awareness? Who am I?
My breath becomes more rhythmic and I continue to observe, breathing in, breathing out. My attention is on my breathing and I allow my breath to be the focus. As I observe my breathing I observe thoughts popping into my mind. I remain unattached to these thoughts, watching them, observing them. I am not these thoughts.
Who am I? At the inner most core, who am I? Going deeper and deeper into Consciousness, letting all attachments go. When I let all attachments go, what is left? What am I? I go deeper into Consciousness, into Infinity, never ending Infinity.
The body, the thoughts, the feelings, the breath, all these things and everything in this world are but reflections of God's Consciousness Made Manifest. We are drops of water in the Infinite Ocean of God Consciousness.
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! I wish you much love and light, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
I am not my thoughts. I am aware of my thoughts. My thoughts are not me. I am observing my thoughts. I am not my body. I am aware of my body. I am observing my body. My body is not me. I am not my feelings. I am aware of my feelings. I am observing my feelings. My feelings are not me. What is this consciousness that has awareness of my thoughts, my body, my feelings? Who is this consciousness that has this awareness? Who am I?
My breath becomes more rhythmic and I continue to observe, breathing in, breathing out. My attention is on my breathing and I allow my breath to be the focus. As I observe my breathing I observe thoughts popping into my mind. I remain unattached to these thoughts, watching them, observing them. I am not these thoughts.
Who am I? At the inner most core, who am I? Going deeper and deeper into Consciousness, letting all attachments go. When I let all attachments go, what is left? What am I? I go deeper into Consciousness, into Infinity, never ending Infinity.
The body, the thoughts, the feelings, the breath, all these things and everything in this world are but reflections of God's Consciousness Made Manifest. We are drops of water in the Infinite Ocean of God Consciousness.
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! I wish you much love and light, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Looking Into Infinity
Have you ever held a mirror up to a mirror and looked at the images reflecting each other? Have the images stopped reflecting because our eyes can't see the reflection past a certain point? Does the reflection go on infinitely, just too small to be seen with our eyes? What is infinity? Have you ever pondered it?
Infinity is something I spent a good amount of time pondering when I was a child. I would try to look down the mirror reflections into infinity. I could only see so far with my eyes, but my imagination would try to see the possible infinite reflections beyond where my eyes could see.
As a child I would imagine my self disappearing into the possibility of infinite reflections of the mirrors, into infinity. I still do that when I meditate.
As a meditation I focus on my breath. . . breathing in, breathing out. I ask, Who gives me breath? Where does my breath come come from? What is allowing me to breathe? What will take my breath away when my body dies? I let go and focus on breathing in, breathing out. I can only see so far with my eyes and I can only imagine so much with my mind, but I allow for possibilities.
Infinity is something I spent a good amount of time pondering when I was a child. I would try to look down the mirror reflections into infinity. I could only see so far with my eyes, but my imagination would try to see the possible infinite reflections beyond where my eyes could see.
As a child I would imagine my self disappearing into the possibility of infinite reflections of the mirrors, into infinity. I still do that when I meditate.
As a meditation I focus on my breath. . . breathing in, breathing out. I ask, Who gives me breath? Where does my breath come come from? What is allowing me to breathe? What will take my breath away when my body dies? I let go and focus on breathing in, breathing out. I can only see so far with my eyes and I can only imagine so much with my mind, but I allow for possibilities.
I found these pictures on the Internet - mirrors reflecting the possibility of Infinity.
As I let go into meditation I ask, Who am I? What am I?
If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation and Yin Yoga: Surrender and Receptivity of Body, Mind and Spirit.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank
you, Terrie Harmer
© Copyright 2016 - Terrie Harmer. http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
© Copyright 2016 - Terrie Harmer. http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
White Eagle
"If you will train yourself to think in terms of love and forgiveness
every moment of your life,
a most beautiful healing will take place in
you.” – White Eagle
I had a past life reading back in April from Ellen at HealPastLives.com and she told me, among other things, that I had completed all the "must dos" that I agreed to before I came into this lifetime and that I was getting new and better Guides who would be helping me. I had never thought about me having a Guide or Guides, although I've always followed my gut. I knew I had angels around me throughout my lifetime and I have experienced their help, but that's another blog post.
So I asked my Guides to reveal themselves to me as I went to sleep. I was awakened some time later with a vision of a Native American male in a full, white headdress. It was quite remarkable and real. I asked him what his name was, but got no answer. My personal Spiritual life has tended to make me feel different from others. I have tried to fit myself into what I thought the world wanted of me over and over. It was like trying to put a round peg into a square hole. I have never previously fit, but that's another blog post too. For whatever reason this Native American male in a full, white headdress caught my attention. I continued to ask him his name.
About two weeks ago I came across a metaphysical group headed by Reverend Brian and one of his classes was on White Eagle. As soon as I read the name White Eagle I just knew that was who I saw. Unfortunately the class he did on White Eagle was back in April. I attended Reverend Brian's class on The Missing Years of Jesus on Saturday. I've scheduled with Reverend Brian to do a reading on me this Saturday.
In the meantime, I am reading up on White Eagle. Apparently he is a very wise and loving teacher in
the world of Spirit and is a Guide for many people. He sounds kind of like an Archangel Michael type hailing from the Native American venue. I have discovered that the White Eagle teaching is in line with what I believe about love and
understanding towards everyone no matter what religion. All people are created in the image and likeness of God/Holy Spirit/Higher Power, no matter what their background and no matter if they are the worst of the worst criminal. We are all one family, joined by the common bond of Love.
White Eagle means High Teacher and that's interesting since Ellen said I was getting new and better guides to help me. And he has been presenting the world with his simple and gentle teachings through books and directly as a Guide since the 1930's even though I have never heard of him before now! Where have I been???
I was told last year that God has given us all many resources to help us by Ali Ansari who has a Sufi site for Spiritual healing when I did his 10 week course. I had a hard time with that because I was only focused on what was available to my 5 physical senses. I had been going through what seemed to be a dark night of the soul experience and I feel that am perhaps still moving through it at times.
Below are some White Eagle quotes that I found so far and love.
"Just surrender, and love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind; never doubt His wisdom. Then miracles will happen not only in your physical body, but in your life and in your work." White Eagle
"The Christ within you is King....every particle, every cell of your body, is subject to the Divine power and glory. Realize the Divine magical presence within you. The Light overcomes all darkness." White Eagle
"Man has to learn to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, the place of stillness and quiet at the highest level of which he is capable, and then the Heavenly Influences can pour into him, recreate him and use him for the salvation of mankind." White Eagle
"Wisdom comes to those who are calm and tranquil in spirit, to those who wait upon the Lord. Through an ever-increasing love in the heart you will grow wise." White Eagle
Here is one last idea for all of us on the path. If you are looking for the key of the door to God, I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that the door to God has no key. The good news is that the door was left unlocked.
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! I wish you much love and light, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Everything is One. It is the lack of love that separates. Life is a circle. When there is a lack of love, there is separation and a break in the circle. We are responsible for the love we hold within, or lack thereof. We continue the circle or we break it. It is our choice. God has given us free will. We make the choice within. The Kingdom of God is within you. It is our choice.
We all set the example for each other because we are all One. We either teach love or we don't. We can blame others for our choice, but it isn't the fault of others. Love is always our choice. God has given us free will, the free will to be responsible for the love we hold within, or the lack thereof. It doesn't matter what we are responding to. Our reaction with love (or lack thereof) is our choice.
The law of attraction is non-dualism and it is in the Bible in many forms. I'll work with the idea of sowing and reaping. Galatians 6:7-10 says, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh [from human ego] will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit [Holy Spirit] will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says, "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."
Is it possible to follow the Holy Spirit in all things? Can we come from love, always? As it says above, "God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." It sounds to me like we can, but it doesn't mean we will. God has given us free will. In this life we live as students leaning how to surrender to God in all things so to allow God's grace to abound to us. We also live as teachers by showing others God's good and perfect grace in our lives. We also have the free will choice not to surrender to God and not to allow God's grace to abound to us. It is our choice, always. We are One. If we make no choice, we still have in effect made a choice.
Non-dualism REQUIRES us to make a faith choice if we want to experience God's abundant grace. If we let the weed seeds of the world do the planting for us, we have made our free will choice. We have made the choice to do nothing and allow whatever worldly seeds are planted to take root.
Non-dualism REQUIRES us to make a faith choice to love ourselves first, to believe that we matter to God because we are in God, and of God, created in His Image and His Likeness. Each of us matter. Even with the worst of the worst criminal behavior, the person is created in God's Glorious Image and has the Spark of Divinity waiting to be recognized and free will to be exercised to make a faith choice and accept that we matter. How can we love others if we don't love ourselves first? How can we accept that others matter if we don't accept that we matter?
It was a huge revelation to me when someone said to me, "Terrie, accept that you matter!" I had never truly accepted that I actually mattered because of life experiences in my past. At that moment when I began to accept that I matter, I began to be more able to love others as I loved myself because I actually began to love myself. I became part of Everything that is One because I love myself and can now love Others as I love myself.
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! I wish you much love and light, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
We all set the example for each other because we are all One. We either teach love or we don't. We can blame others for our choice, but it isn't the fault of others. Love is always our choice. God has given us free will, the free will to be responsible for the love we hold within, or the lack thereof. It doesn't matter what we are responding to. Our reaction with love (or lack thereof) is our choice.
The law of attraction is non-dualism and it is in the Bible in many forms. I'll work with the idea of sowing and reaping. Galatians 6:7-10 says, "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh [from human ego] will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit [Holy Spirit] will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says, "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."
Is it possible to follow the Holy Spirit in all things? Can we come from love, always? As it says above, "God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." It sounds to me like we can, but it doesn't mean we will. God has given us free will. In this life we live as students leaning how to surrender to God in all things so to allow God's grace to abound to us. We also live as teachers by showing others God's good and perfect grace in our lives. We also have the free will choice not to surrender to God and not to allow God's grace to abound to us. It is our choice, always. We are One. If we make no choice, we still have in effect made a choice.
Non-dualism REQUIRES us to make a faith choice if we want to experience God's abundant grace. If we let the weed seeds of the world do the planting for us, we have made our free will choice. We have made the choice to do nothing and allow whatever worldly seeds are planted to take root.
Non-dualism REQUIRES us to make a faith choice to love ourselves first, to believe that we matter to God because we are in God, and of God, created in His Image and His Likeness. Each of us matter. Even with the worst of the worst criminal behavior, the person is created in God's Glorious Image and has the Spark of Divinity waiting to be recognized and free will to be exercised to make a faith choice and accept that we matter. How can we love others if we don't love ourselves first? How can we accept that others matter if we don't accept that we matter?
It was a huge revelation to me when someone said to me, "Terrie, accept that you matter!" I had never truly accepted that I actually mattered because of life experiences in my past. At that moment when I began to accept that I matter, I began to be more able to love others as I loved myself because I actually began to love myself. I became part of Everything that is One because I love myself and can now love Others as I love myself.
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! I wish you much love and light, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Food that Helps Constipation
There are so many people who have problems with constipation. I was one of them. I had severe and chronic constipation for many years and it was emotionally consuming me.
According to one website I visited, the metaphysical reason for constipation was the suppression of one's ideas, opinions; Holding on and not expressing one's ideas; Fear of the future, fear of the unknown, uncertainty about what lies ahead; The law of attraction working in reverse. I can confirm those reasons were correct for me. I needed to change my thinking.
Eating Food that Helps Constipation
& Encourages Bowel Movements
According to one website I visited, the metaphysical reason for constipation was the suppression of one's ideas, opinions; Holding on and not expressing one's ideas; Fear of the future, fear of the unknown, uncertainty about what lies ahead; The law of attraction working in reverse. I can confirm those reasons were correct for me. I needed to change my thinking.
While I was working on myself spiritually, I was also working on myself physically. I completely overhauled my eating habits over a period of several years. "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?" 1 Cor 6:19
I now eat short grain brown rice (Lundberg Farms), whole grains, a lot of steamed vegetables and fresh fruit, beans and legumes, yogart, nuts and seeds. At home I eat mostly organic. I also make a lot of "green smoothies" with fresh dark green leafy vegetables and fresh soups with my Vitamix. I love my Vitamix. I will eat eggs or fish some times when I go out to a restaurant.
Because I had severe and chronic constipation, I began looking for foods that would encourage bowel movements and help constipation. Below is a partial list I use that I got from various sources. The biggest thing I found is consistency using the right food. I encourage you to change your thinking and your eating habits if you want to heal a problem with constipation - read my blog post As a Man Thinketh and start changing your thinking and read the list of foods below and start changing your eating habits. I am doing it daily and you can too!
With love, peace and blessings, Terrie
With love, peace and blessings, Terrie
& Encourages Bowel Movements
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Dark green leafy vegetables are high in vitamins like A, C and K, minerals like potassium and magnesium, and other nutrients and have lots of fiber which encourage bowel movements. Fill your refrigerator with dandelion and turnip greens, blue green algae, barley, bitter gourd, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, mustard greens, chicory, arugula and other leafy greens. They act as a natural, laxative and are high in dietary fiber, calcium, folic acid, Vitamins K
and C, and magnesium – all essential nutrients necessary for digestion, and overall health. It also helps to increase the flow of bile, which is the substance that helps move the waste through your system.
Other Vegetables
Carrots: Are high in pectin and they add bulk to stool which helps stimulate bowel contractions and carrots are a natural body detoxifier.
Onions: Contain natural antioxidants, Vitamin E,
Potassium, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, and Fiber and they help to relieve
Garlic: Garlic has high amounts of allicin and
selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing. Garlic has the ability to
activate liver enzymes which helps your body flush out toxins.
Broccoli and Cauliflower: Broccoli and
cauliflower increases the amount of glucosinolate in your system which helps
enzyme production in your liver and helps flush toxins out of our body.
Cabbage: Like
broccoli and cauliflower, cabbage helps flush out toxins, and helps
soften the stool during bowel movements.
Avocados: Avocados are
packed with beneficial nutrients such as dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin k
and folate. One avocado a day will provide you with
about 30% of your daily fiber needs.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes are
great laxative foods, rich in Vitamins C, A, and K. Tomatoes provide you with
approximately 10% of your daily fiber needs.
Okra: Okay - I absolutely love okra. It is awesome for constipation! Okra acts in the body as oil
acts in your car. You need oil to lubricate the engine. Okra acts as a
lubricant for the large intestines. The fiber in okra absorbs water, causing
fibrous bulk in the stool. Because of
its slippery mucilage---its gelatinous texture---the fiber from okra is not as harsh on the
intestines as other fiber. It works smoothly in your
system. Unlike over-the-counter products, Okra is nontoxic, non-habit forming
and a highly nutritious food full of vitamins.
Raw Fruits
Fruits like bananas, apples, melons and a variety of berries
are extremely high in liquid-content, which helps the body wash out toxins.
They are also very easy to digest and high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber
and many important vitamins like vitamin C.
Bananas: High in fiber
and have a laxative effect. Bananas are great for promoting easy
digestion. Since bananas are high in potassium, eating a banana a day will help
restore valuable electrolytes to your intestinal tract. Additionally, they
contain a natural compound called fructooligo saccharide, which can help
encourage beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract.
Apples: The high pectin levels in apples
help stimulate the bowels and provide bulk. A good natural laxative is organic apple cider vinegar. Pour a small amount
into a glass of purified water and drink it in the morning.
Melons: One of the easiest foods to digest and go directly to the intestines when consumed. If they are
held up in the stomach by other foods, they decompose quickly and ferment.
Berries: Extremely high in antioxidants and great during a colon cleanse and afterwards.
Prunes Recognized as “nature’s
laxative,” prunes are naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium,
iron, and dietary fiber and prunes provide beneficial bacteria to
the intestines.
Mango: A common folk remedy for treating constipation. Not only is it a healthy source of
dietary fiber, but it is also plentiful in vitamin C and potassium, which helps
those experiencing constipation.
Citrus Fruits: Lemons, Oranges & Limes These citrus fruits have wonderful detoxification power. I drink hot lemon water every morning. They aid the body in
flushing out toxins, as well as jump-start the digestive tract with enzymatic
processes. Vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins
around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. One orange will
provide you with approximately 12-15% of your daily recommended fiber.
Raw Seeds and Nuts
Eat more of the easily digestible raw seeds and raw
nuts. Chew small amounts thoroughly. Count the number of times you chew - 20 to 30. Raw seeds include flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, almonds,
walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, siberian cedar nuts and
sunflower seeds. All are rich in fiber, Vitamin E, protein, zinc and other
essential nutrients.
Flaxseed is a good source of fiber that functions as a mild laxative. The compound mucilage in the flaxseed is
responsible for the laxative effect. Mucilage works with dietary fiber to stimulate the
intestines to both absorb nutrients and expel waste.
Beans, Peas & Legumes
Beans, peas, and legumes are low in both fat and
cholesterol, and help with digestion. Beans and legumes are high in fiber and
protein, therefore great protein substitutes.
Last, but most definitely not least, water is one of the
best natural laxative sources for relieving constipation! Drink 8 glasses of
purified water a day! Hydrate slowly all day long. Sip water slowly - hydrate. Water is vital to your body, makes up
approximately 80 percent of your body weight, and helps moisten the intestines,
regulating bowel flow.
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! Much love, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! Much love, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Abide in The Shadow of the Almighty
Healing of our body, mind and spirit comes from within. However, it isn't something we can make happen with effort. It is a letting go of all the tensions, stress, and fears in our life and resting in the Secret Place of the Most High. This is what Psalm 91 talks about. "He who dwells in The Secret Place of The Most High shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty."
How do we let go? How do we abide under the shadow of The Almighty? We ask the Holy Spirit to show us what we are holding on to. Why do we do this? It is our own fear of something that causes us tension and stress. We often bury the particular fear so deeply in our subconscious that we don't even remember what the fear is and why we have tension. The Holy Spirit will help us to see. The Holy Spirit will show us our self, if we ask, and help us get to the root of our fears and tensions. Once we know what the fear is, we can let go of it. It isn't possible to let go of something when we don't even know what it is. If we allow the Holy Spirit to show us what we need to see, it is effortless.
It took me a long time to realize that I had a fear about learning what my fears were! I went "digging" into myself over and over, but would get frustrated with all the effort I was putting into the excavations I was doing on myself. I now abide in the shadow of The Almighty. It wasn't always this way. My way for many years was extreme effort. God gave me free will and as long as I chose to do it my way, God let me.
My practice is moment by moment surrender to God. I practice the presence of God. Every day I am getting better and better at doing this because my experience teaches me. I am stronger and stronger every day in every way.
If you enjoyed reading this post, you may also enjoy reading my posts Power in Surrender and The Kingdom Within. Peace and blessings to you, Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
How do we let go? How do we abide under the shadow of The Almighty? We ask the Holy Spirit to show us what we are holding on to. Why do we do this? It is our own fear of something that causes us tension and stress. We often bury the particular fear so deeply in our subconscious that we don't even remember what the fear is and why we have tension. The Holy Spirit will help us to see. The Holy Spirit will show us our self, if we ask, and help us get to the root of our fears and tensions. Once we know what the fear is, we can let go of it. It isn't possible to let go of something when we don't even know what it is. If we allow the Holy Spirit to show us what we need to see, it is effortless.
It took me a long time to realize that I had a fear about learning what my fears were! I went "digging" into myself over and over, but would get frustrated with all the effort I was putting into the excavations I was doing on myself. I now abide in the shadow of The Almighty. It wasn't always this way. My way for many years was extreme effort. God gave me free will and as long as I chose to do it my way, God let me.
My practice is moment by moment surrender to God. I practice the presence of God. Every day I am getting better and better at doing this because my experience teaches me. I am stronger and stronger every day in every way.
If you enjoyed reading this post, you may also enjoy reading my posts Power in Surrender and The Kingdom Within. Peace and blessings to you, Terrie
© Copyright 2013 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/
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