Saturday, August 24, 2013

Who Am I?

I sit quietly and wait, breathing in, breathing out, allowing my awareness to watch the breath. I wait with quiet observance. I watch. I breathe. I sit. I wait. What is this awareness in me that is watching? Who is watching and observing?  Who am I?

I am not my thoughts. I am aware of my thoughts. My thoughts are not me. I am observing my thoughts.  I am not my body. I am aware of my body. I am observing my body. My body is not me. I am not my feelings. I am aware of my feelings. I am observing my feelings. My feelings are not me. What is this consciousness that has awareness of my thoughts, my body, my feelings? Who is this consciousness that has this awareness? Who am I?

My breath becomes more rhythmic and I continue to observe, breathing in, breathing out.  My attention is on my breathing and I allow my breath to be the focus.  As I observe my breathing I observe thoughts popping into my mind. I remain unattached to these thoughts, watching them, observing them. I am not these thoughts.

Who am I? At the inner most core, who am I? Going deeper and deeper into Consciousness, letting all attachments go. When I let all attachments go, what is left? What am I?  I go deeper into Consciousness, into Infinity, never ending Infinity.

The body, the thoughts, the feelings, the breath, all these things and everything in this world are but reflections of God's Consciousness Made Manifest. We are drops of water in the Infinite Ocean of God Consciousness.

If you enjoy my blog, please share a link to it with others! I wish you much love and light, Terrie
If you enjoyed this blog post, you might also enjoy Health Wealth Love and Perfect Self Expressions.
 © Copyright 2013 -

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Looking Into Infinity

Have you ever held a mirror up to a mirror and looked at the images reflecting each other? Have the images stopped reflecting because our eyes can't see the reflection past a certain point? Does the reflection go on infinitely, just too small to be seen with our eyes? What is infinity? Have you ever pondered it?

Infinity is something I spent a good amount of time pondering when I was a child.  I would try to look down the mirror reflections into infinity. I could only see so far with my eyes, but my imagination would try to see the possible infinite reflections beyond where my eyes could see.

As a child I would imagine my self disappearing into the possibility of infinite reflections of the mirrors, into infinity. I still do that when I meditate. 

As a meditation I focus on my breath. . . breathing in, breathing out.  I ask, Who gives me breath?  Where does my breath come come from? What is allowing me to breathe?  What will take my breath away when my body dies?  I let go and focus on breathing in, breathing out. I can only see so far with my eyes and I can only imagine so much with my mind, but I allow for possibilities.

I found these pictures on the Internet - mirrors reflecting the possibility of Infinity.

 As I let go into meditation I ask, Who am I?  What am I?

If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation and Yin Yoga: Surrender and Receptivity of Body, Mind and Spirit. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie Harmer

© Copyright 2016 - Terrie Harmer.