Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Believe in Angels

I have had angels keep me out of harms way many times in my life.  One time I drove a motor scooter into a concrete wall going high speed and didn't get a scratch.  I was physically lifted off the scooter and was gently placed on the ground. The motor scooter was a mess.

Another time after water skiing I was standing on the back of the boat and the toe rope was caught by another a passing boat. It wrapped around my legs, flipped me over and I went way down in the water. I remember looking up through the water, seeing the boat so far up, and then feeling someone take my hand, pull me to the surface and guide me safely past the outboard motor. It all happened so quickly. The huge black and blue marks the toe rope left on my legs were a reminder.

I was almost car jacked one time. I was in Philadelphia alone one night and I pulled up to a traffic light where four young men started to surround my car. At that moment a commanding voice said, "put your car in gear and go through the red-light." And I did just that.

God has sent me angels throughout my life and I have been protected. I don't care whether you believe in angels or not. It only matters for me that I believe in them and ask for their help.  According to your belief will it be done unto you. Matthew 9:29.  It's everyone's individual choice whether to ask for help or not - it's called free will.  I ask for help from God. I ask God to send angels to help me. Ask and it shall be given you. I have free will.  We all have free will.  God will not intrude if we don't ask for help.  My choice is to ask for help.  I want and need all the help I can get.

I have had angels visit me. They are lovely and beautiful.  The Bible is full of stories of angels and most religions have stories of angels.  A CBS New Poll says that nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels.

I feel God's beautiful Grace shining upon me. I love it that angels are all around me, all I need do is ask for help. Thank you Lord for the wonderful blessings we have in the form of angels.

If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and  The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie

Check out my blog entry called The Kingdom Within.
If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
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