Friday, March 16, 2012

The Karmic Life

Have you ever had a life experience that feels like it might be karma? Karma can be good or bad. Some people think of karma as bad, but karma is defined by Webster's as force generated by a person's actions, and actions can be good or bad. Aristotle didn't call it karma, but he talked about causation even back then. Newton said for every action there is an equal or opposite reaction. And modern science has confirmed it.

Motives can determine whether an action is good or bad based on the intent and whether or not it actually hurts someone, our self included. Perhaps making amends, realizing our errors, and learning that what happens to us and how we react to people or events can assist in creating a better mirror reflection for our karma. Nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed. (Luke 8:17, Luke 12:22, Mark 4:22) Perhaps it may not be revealed in this lifetime. Whether you believe in hell or in reincarnation, either way eternity is a long time. The law of cause and effect works like gravity or math.

Our actions and reactions create vibrations like when we throw a rock into a quiet pool of water. We create movement, the ripples vibrate out from the place the rock landed in the pool. The ripple effect creates movement and sometimes ripples out to places we can't see. Our actions and reactions can end up making us like being a hamster on a wheel if we don't become aware of what we are doing. We can stay on the wheel of unaware action and reaction forever, like the hamster on the wheel. We can be cause or effect. It is our choice. We must be lifted up and have the mind of Christ to be cause. (John 3:14, John 12:32, Romans 12:2 1 Cor. 2:16)

We might not believe in karma. Do we believe in hell as a place people go for all eternity as punishment for bad actions? Do we believe in reincarnation and suffering mirror like retribution for bad actions life after life after life? Either way someone has doomed themselves to an eternal hell of their own making for bad actions or reactions.

Living in the present and being aware of our actions and reactions seems to be the sensible option if we have any awareness at all. Whether hell is a fiery place someone goes for all eternity or whether someone lives life after life receiving mirror like retribution for bad actions, eternity is a long time. Cause and effect is a law that we cannot escape. What difference does it make any way what the hellish existence actually ends up being. Lifting ourselves up as Christ did seems to be the optimum way to go. However, discovering exactly how to do that seems to be an issue.

There are so many differing opinions within the Christian community. All I ever wanted to know was how do I become lifted up. I have read so many books with so many different interpretations of the Bible. It is confusing. I have dived deep into the waters of Christianity, metaphysics and now yoga. It seems the material world in general lacks concrete answers.

Some folks stay on the wheel because they make no decision. They think that by making no decision they avoid the hamster's wheel. In that case they are allowing outer environment to be cause instead of becoming cause themselves. They remain effect.

It seems to me that we must DO as Jesus Christ did and go unto the Father ourselves as Christ did. We must be transformed by renewing our mind. (Romans 12:2) The Kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21-22)

Check out my blog entry called The Kingdom Within.
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