Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Live, Love and See Beauty Anyway

No matter what happens or has happened, we control our own thoughts and responses. Jesus showed us the way. We are all one in the Infinite Presence. Love is the fulfilling of the law. Hate never brings love.

If we are to rise above all forms of hate, it will be with love. Easy to say, but much more difficult in practice given the things we hear and see on the Internet.

The Internet has given us access to the world. What used to be unknown is now up in our faces. Wireless, hand held communication devices were things of science fiction movies just 50 years ago. Just 100 years ago most of our modern conveniences did not exist. Most people back then probably said, "that will never happen - impossible."

What is possible? In an infinite universe are there infinite possibilities? Who created an infinite universe? What is beyond infinite?

I'm certainly not the one to answer those questions, but then who is? Shall finite man answer questions about infinity? Finite man tries to do that on the Internet.

All I can do is keep going and do my best to live, love and see beauty when and where I can. Life will unfold anyway. I can decide to love or hate. I do my best to love. It is easy to say it, but much more difficult to practice.

Thank you for reading.

Copyright 2015