The teachings of Jesus speak clearly that we each are to seek God's Kingdom in the quietness of personal, devotional time with Him. How many of us make time every day to seek God's Kingdom in devotional time? Where is God's Kingdom? The Kingdom of God is Within You. Luke 17:21
How many of us actually devote time to quietly seeking God? The definition of the word devotion tells it all. One definition tells us that devotion is love, loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, activity or cause. Another definition says that devotion is ardent and often selfless affection or profound dedication. Another says devotion is earnest attachment to a cause or person. Does our devotional time with God meet or exceed the definition of devotion?
In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 - 7 Jesus clearly teaches us to work on things that are inside each of us. It is the heart of the message. Why do we have all these things to work on and have the Kingdom of God within us? It is because we are flesh and we focus on our flesh instead of the Kingdom Within. Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. We must have devotional time with God to overcome the flesh. We know we are flesh. Do we know that the Kingdom of God is within us and if we seek Him we will find Him? We must be in the world but not of the world. We must have the mind of Christ.
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind that you may prove His good and perfect will for your life. Prove His will. His will is to give you the Kingdom, but you must make the first move because you have free will. You must devote yourself to making the first move every day of your life. God will not force Himself on you - ever. He gave you free will and He honors His word and His gift. You must choose Him by seeking His kingdom within yourself. You cannot conform to flesh in your mind and seek God's Kingdom in your mind at the same time. A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. (Luke 11:17) You must choose to renew your mind because you have free will. But you can test it out and prove His will. (Romans 12:2) You say you cannot choose what you think about? You certainly can. You have free will. It is not easy, but you can. You can test it out and prove it. You can experiment and see for yourself if it works. Jesus says that we can do what he did and even greater things. He said we can have the same mind as he does by renewing our mind. God says, try me. Seek the Kingdom of God within.
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