Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Did Eve Make Adam Eat The Fruit?

I was not surprised to find that some men blame Eve, exclusively, for the Adamic fall story in Genesis.  Hummm.  Sounds like an attempt to escape responsibility to me.

We all have free will.  

God told Adam not to eat the fruit from that particular tree, just like God told Eve.  Adam had the same information as Eve.  Adam made a free-will choice to eat the forbidden fruit, just like Eve.  Adam could have stood his ground.  

Legitimately, can Adam pick and choose what choices for which he himself takes responsibility?  Seems some men can, at times.  (Women do it too!)

Neither is Eve absolved because the serpent tricked her.  

I have encountered multiple men who blame Eve for Adam's bad choice in the Genesis story.  Adam made his own bad choice.  

The Good News is Jesus!  

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Thank you for reading this.  If you enjoyed, please feel free to share this with others.  Copyright Terrie Harmer 2022

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Stepping Off a Cliff - Both Scary and Fun

Trusting God when my intuition is guiding me along can sometimes feel like I am stepping off a cliff.  My fear is that I will not be supported by God's loving arms as I free-fall into the unknown.  In the past I have had times where I have been frozen in fear.  Fear caused me not to step-out in faith and not follow my gut.

It is always my choice whether to step-out in faith or stay frozen in fear.

When I have been completely surrendered, trusted the process, stepped-out in faith, followed my gut, God has never left me or forsaken me.  When I have rolled with what presented itself in the moment by remaining in the moment and followed my gut, it felt like God in action through me.

It is a little scary and a little fun following my intuition.  There is no way for me to experience completely stepping off a cliff unless I actually do it.  I must step off.  I cannot remain on the ledge.  Following my gut is a free-fall I must experience to know.

Relaxing.  Quieting my mind so that I can clearly feel my intuition and know the way to go in the moment is the key.  It is a feeling.  It is a knowing that says go this way.

Do you quiet your mind so that you can clearly feel your intuition without distraction?  We all have intuition within us.

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Thank you for reading.  If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you. Terrie © Copyright 2020 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Spiritual Manifesting

Spiritual manifesting should be easy.  Right?  We are Spirit using a body.  We are in the world, but not of the world.  So we should be able to manifest spiritual fruit.  Right?  How do we know this is true?  We have the spiritual testimonies (scripture, spiritual writings, etc.) from many people from the past and the present who tell us.

The only way to truly KNOW if what they say actually works is to DO what they say.   However, this is no easy task.  The world is full of many wonderful distractions.  We might have the best spiritual intentions, but in this mundane world we may even lack the belief that Spirit actually exists.

What is this world?  The Earth is where humanity resides.  Where is the Earth?  We are told the Earth where we reside orbits a ball of fire (The Sun) located some place in the huge Milky Way Galaxy, which is said to be in a limitless universe.  Is the physical universe all there is?

During my lifetime I have experimented with varous Spiritual practices.  I have manifested in many interesting ways.   The manifesting goes through me.  It doesn't come to me.

The physical universe we experience with our senses is not all there is.  There is more beyond our senses.

Thank you for reading.  If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you. Terrie © Copyright 2020 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/

Who Am I

Who Am I?  Am I my body?  Am I my thoughts?  Am I what I do or do not do in this world?  What am I?

What was I before I came through the portal of my mother's  birth canal?  What will I be when I take my last breath?  When this Life Essence leaves my body what will I be?

As I meditate I begin to discover over and over that there is a something more within me.  I cannot tell you what It is with my words.  You will have experience it yourself.  We each must do the work to begin to know what lies within.

Who can know what lies within by acquiring a PHD at a university.   Who can know what lies within by attending a trade school.  

We are encouraged to be still and know.   Can we spend just 15 minutes a day - to see if we can know?  Can we quiet our mind and be still for 15 minutes - and just breathe??  Can we simply watch that breath - the very breath that our Creator gave us?  This is the very breath that is taken away from us at death.

Thank you for reading.  If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you. Terrie
© Copyright 2020 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

What is Reality?

Is reality demonstrated by what our physical senses can experience?   When we experience life only from a physical perception, are we missing anything?

Here is an example.  Our physical senses require a device to experience the Internet and infrared waves.  People in the past experienced ideas like these as fantasy.  Prior to the invention of devices to access the Internet and infrared waves, it was fantasy.  In the past people experienced only what their physical senses told them was real.

Today people have accepted the idea that we can experience things not available to our physical senses.  Science discovered that things people thought of as pure fantasy 200 years ago are reality.  What else might there be?

Imagine for a moment what your ancestors from 200 years ago might experience if they were suddenly transported from 1820 to 2020.  How would they feel?  In 1820 people relied only on knowledge from their physical senses.  They did not have devices that increased what their physical senses could experience.

Is there more?   Do you experience life only from a physical perception?

Thank you for reading.  If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you. Terrie © Copyright 2020 - http://bodymindandspirit2.blogspot.com/