Thursday, October 6, 2011

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism (Ephesians 4:5). We are all connected through the Power that gives us life and breath. Outer forms of worship and study may differ, but they cannot change God. God is immutable. God doesn't change because our outer doctrine differs from the outer doctrine of our neighbor. We do not become any less connected to our neighbor Spiritually because we do not believe the same as our neighbor believes. God is what God is. God said, "I am who I am" to Moses in Exodus 3:14. There is but One Lord.

We cannot change our Vast Creator who is without beginning or end. What we can do is stay in the River and let the never ending flow that comes from our Creator guide us along and show us the way. God's Spirit is ever present. One Faith builds on God's Spirit, not on the formed world or matter. One Baptism is not a washing of body parts with water. It is about washing away the thoughts and motives we have in our minds that bring about sin, a purification of the mind. We miss the mark in our thoughts and in our mind first, then we miss the mark in the physical world. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove God's good and perfect will (Romans 12:2).

Our blessed Master Jesus demonstrated this great truth over and over. He healed the sick, raised the dead and told us that we can do the things that He did and even greater things in His name. This Higher Power to give life abundantly is available to us too. Jesus showed us the way.

What is this Higher Power? This Higher Power is God, the Infinite. How can we describe God in finite words? On what premise do we base our finite descriptions of who and what God is? Do finite words adequately describe the limitlessness and vastness of God, the Infinite Creator of everything? On what finite premise do we begin to apprehend the quality of infinite eternal good or the concept of without beginning or end? Theology and the ideals of men have fostered a rather restricted concept of God. These limited ideas have created helpless spiritual cripples who view themselves as spiritual invalids who can't imagine themselves doing the things that Jesus did and even greater things in His name.

Jesus Christ healed the sick, fed thousands with a few loaves and fishes, turned water into wine, and raised the dead. Jesus Christ said he came to give us life and give it abundantly. We can do the things that Jesus did and even greater things in His name, but not with finite, material minded thoughts. We must be still and know God in the quietness of the Kingdom within each of us, like Jesus did. We can know the One Lord, One Faith, the One Baptism. In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength (Isaiah 30:15).

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Changing Our Thought

Changing our thought is a good thing especially if we are changing it from an insecure thought to a secure thought. If we focus a thought on something that can harm us, we are not honoring God with our faith. The good news is that God gave us all free will and we have choice. We can choose not to think a thought. We can choose to think a secure thought rather than an insecure thought.

Our body and mind are extensions of the One Mind One Life - God, the Infinite. We would have no life if God did not breathe life into each of us every moment of every day. We can go for some time without food or water, but we can only go for a few minutes without the breath of life. We tend to think of our finite body as something other than what it is, finite. Our limited human ego sees, feels, hears, and knows only a small portion of the Infinite Vastness from which each one of us receives our life. Jesus Christ said, "The Kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21) and "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). Most of us walk by sight, when we are told to walk by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Once we realize who we are in God we must be Spirit directed, and move from our faith in God deep within ourselves. People, events and even our own limited thoughts and feelings are things that cause us to walk by sight rather than by faith. It is much easier to walk by sight than it is to walk by faith because God doesn't always tell us why when He asks us to act in faith. God speaks to everyone. He speaks to average people every day just like He gives us all life and breath. God is speaking to every person 24 hours a day and most of us are just pushing His voice aside.

How do we know that God is speaking to us? Here are some ways to tell. It has to be a blessing for others as well as for us. If whatever we are called to do will hurt someone else, it isn't from God. It has to be moral and give us a sense of peace. It has to feel right. We need to observe and pay attention to the signals. Thoughts from God have a calm and peaceful feel about them, and a sense of authority.

How can we tune into God more? The radio we use to tune into God is our Spiritual Self in the Kingdom of God within. Everyone has a Spiritual Self. Getting quiet and listening is not easy in this world. Just like a radio gets static, we get static in this world. Some examples of static are thoughts of fear, anger, resentment, worry, other people's opinions, and focusing on the past. Jesus had to deal with static too when He was tempted and we can deal with static the same way Jesus did. Jesus changed His thought from an insecure thought to a secure thought. He focused on God. He used Scripture to combat the static. Jesus said that we can do the things that He did and even greater things in His name (John 14:12-14).

Nothing is too big for God. Nothing is too old for God. Nothing is ever to late for God. Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing (changing) of your mind (thoughts) that you may prove God's good, acceptable and perfect will (for your life).

If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
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