Sunday, September 1, 2013

Getting Back to the God Zone

What is the God Zone? I believe it is our natural state. I believe that we came from God/Infinite Intelligence/Christ Consciousness and that we have forgotten who we are.  I also believe that we can get back into agreement with God.  The key is to let go of the outside world and go deeply into the God Zone, as Christ did.  Why would we want to?  Is it even possible?

If we believe Genesis 1:26-27 which says, "God created man in His Own image" it is easy to believe it is possible. I believe it. I believe we are all created in God's image, like drops of water in the Infinite Ocean of God. However, most of humanity has chosen to forget. I want to remember. To remember I must stay present moment by moment.

Have you experienced instances that felt like you were in the God Zone? May be you were listening to lovely music and completely relaxed and all of a sudden the answer to some issue you had been praying about popped into your head seemingly from nowhere.  Or maybe you were out riding a bike enjoying the gentle breeze as it quietly embraced your body and caressed your hair and enjoying the scenery, when an idea seemingly from nowhere came upon you. Another time perhaps silently praying alone or meditating with friends, relaxed and happy, perhaps the answer to some pressing situation in your life just popped into your head. You were in the God Zone.  "Better one day in Your Courts then a thousand elsewhere." Psalm 84:10

We can choose to call on God our Higher Power any time we want to. We have free will. There is only One God, One Creator of the Universe. There is only One Higher Power and we all are part of that power. Jesus said, "I and my Father are One." John 10:30.  With God all things are possible.  You make the choice.  You have the free will choice to believe or not to believe.

If you enjoyed this post, please go on and read my post Quieting the Mind in Meditation, and  The Yoga of Jesus and also my post Yoga and Christ. If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Thank you, Terrie

If you enjoy this blog, please share a link to it with others! Terrie
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