Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Health, Wealth, Love and Perfect Self Expression

In the mind of God there is perfect health, wealth, love and self expression. Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things would be added. Does this mean that if we belong to a certain church that we have found God's righteousness? Does it mean that if we conform to a particular religious doctrine, creed or law then we have found God's righteousness? What is God's righteousness?

If we gain anything good or desirable or have successful progress toward something we want or need, or if we attain a desired object we call it good fortune. The dictionary calls it prosperity. Prosperity is in the eye of the beholder. To someone who earns a wage of few hundred dollars a week, an increase of one hundred dollars a week may seem like a windfall of prosperity. The entrepreneur who runs a Fortune 500 company thinks in larger terms of what a windfall of prosperity may be. I am some where in between working to think in larger terms when it comes to money.  Perfect health is also prosperity, again being in the eye of the beholder.

How are all these things related? We first have to fully realize that prosperity isn't just money or things. Prosperity is perfect health, perfect wealth, perfect love and perfect self expression. It is having the blessing of peace and happiness that comes when we are perfectly in tune with God's plan for our life.  The thoughts that we allow to center stage in our minds, the thoughts that rule our consciousness, create our world.

Consider the idea that people who come into wealth suddenly, without having previously developed a consciousness of prosperity, very often are not able to hang onto the prosperity they receive like lottery winners, sports icons and others who develop wealth quickly. On the other hand, consider the idea of those people who are born to families with huge fortunes in place and then they have considerable sums of money to enjoy throughout their life even though they never earn a dollar themselves.

Prosperity then is the ability to recognize and receive the vaste substance of God everywhere present, unconsciously or consciously, and allow Divine substance to fill our desires and meet our needs. It is our mind that first has the idea of prosperity and with that thought reaches out and makes a claim on God's infinite substance which is available to everybody. The door to God's substance is in us, in our mind and in our thought and in our words, whether it is perfect health, wealth or perfect Self expression.

There is plenty of substance, plenty of health, plenty of wealth, plenty of love, and plenty of perfect self expression. There is no lack of God's substance. The lack is in our ability to think right thoughts, speak right words, and follow through in faith. Right being the things we want rather than the things we don't want. The imaging power of our mind lashes God's everywhere present substance into form. We must use the creative power of our mind as co-creators with God. God's good substance just sits there unused, waiting for us to take hold of it with our thoughts, words and actions.What are we thinking about?

The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Most people don't control their own thoughts, words and actions. Substance uses our thoughts, words and actions to co-create. We have free will. We choose what we think about. God's substance requires us to co-create. Lack of success with using the imaging power of our mind to bring forth what we want happens because we don't understand right use our conscious minds. We have the most powerful computer that ever existed and we don't know how to put it to the highest and the best use. We use it wrongly instead of rightly.  We think wrong thoughts.

We limit God's vast substance when we think wrongly. If we are to receive increase, we need to open our mind to receive that increase, whether it is increased health, wealth, love or perfect self expression.

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