Having faith or belief in God's promises can be difficult. It is not always easy to step out in faith. It is not easy to imagine that we can become well if we are sick, financially well off if we are poor, or become perfectly cheerful if we are having troubles.
Faith in God's promises is simple, but it is not easy. If we flip a light switch one way, the light comes on. If we flip the light switch back again, the light goes off. Faith really IS that simple. Matthew 17:20 says if you have faith as big as a mustard seed you can say to the mountain move, and it will. Have you ever seen a mustard seen? It is about as big as the head of a pin. Matthew 18:3 says that we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless we become as little children. Matthew 5:3 says blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Luke 17:20-21 tells us that the kingdom of heaven is within us. Romans 12:1-2 tells us to present ourselves as living sacrifices...and to transform our mind.
Yes, belief that moves mountains can happen in an instant. However, we must not become discouraged if we don't receive a brilliant flash of light that comes down from the Lord Himself as Saul of Tarsus, who became the Apostle Paul, did in Acts 22:6-11. Paul had spent many, many years working hard spiritually and mentally, building up his mental and spiritual powers. When the Lord sent Paul the brilliant light, Paul became blind until the Lord sent Ananias to give him sight again. How would we react to being struck down blind?
Mushrooms may spring up overnight, but oak trees grow with deliberation and endure for centuries. We must look at our spiritual growth as we would if we were taking music lessons or learning a science because learning a science is exactly what we are doing. We are learning the science of having faith, faith to present ourselves as a living sacrifice to God, take a leap of faith, and begin to experiment with transforming our mind. We can reshape our thinking patterns in faith as Paul did. Unbelief thoughts of fear, despondency and lack can be reshaped into belief thoughts of joy, health and prosperity.
What do you have to lose experimenting with transforming your mind with belief in God? If you are willing to experiment then keep coming back. Think of yourself on the threshold of the adventure of your lifetime. Why not try faith for a few weeks? What do you have to lose?
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