Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Returning To Our Father

In the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) Jesus tells how the lost son lifts himself up from the husks and swines and returns to his father's home. It was the son's ego that caused him to take his inheritance and go. It is our ego that has caused us to separate from our Heavenly Father. As the son's father received him with open arms, so our Heavenly Father receives us. God has not left us or forsaken us, we have left Him. He is forever waiting for us with open arms.

Returning to our Heavenly Father and dwelling in His presence is a very personal experience. Another person cannot impart this experience to us. Returning and dwelling in our Father's presence is our experience alone. We cannot truly share our personal experience in words. Someone might say as Jesus did that it is like this or like that in a simile or metaphor, but to be fully comprehended it must be experienced. The Grace God the Father imparts to us when we return from the husks and swine of carnal thinking is very personal and specific. It is a unique Grace designed for just one person. Reading about what it is like for someone else is a good read, but the experience of returning and dwelling with God the Father is something we must experience to know.

When we return we literally become co-creators with God the Father as we dwell with Him and are immersed in the Father's Mind, the One Mind, the Christ Mind. But we won't rise up from the husks and swine of mortal thinking and become co-creators with God by simply reading about someone else's experience. Our carnal mind and finite ego are hostile to God (Romans 8:7-8). We have free will and we must choose to rise up and present our self as a living sacrifice and be transformed by renewing our mind (Romans 12:1-2). We rise up and renew our mind by making our mind the same mind as the Mind of Christ, the One Mind. As co-creators every thought and word (logos) that proceeds then does so with God's power because it proceeds from the Father's very presence. We return to the Father and yoke with Him, as Jesus did. We then have the same mind as Christ and can do the things Jesus did and even greater things in His name.

Our small, finite ego has latched on to error. We have been living by sight rather than by faith. Our carnal senses lie to us. Returning home, as the prodigal did, we can yoke with the Father and have the mind of Christ. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. God has not gone any place. God has not changed. It is us who has walked by site rather than by faith. To understand the mystery of dwelling with the Father and of being, we must experience it. We must be absent from the body and present with the Lord. 

If you enjoyed reading this post, you may also enjoy reading my posts Power in Surrender and The Kingdom Within. Peace and blessings to you, Terrie

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